Values video #4 «Cooperative»

In the fourth episode of our video series, Thomas Boss takes you on a journey of discovery into the world of cooperation and you find out why the word "lone wolf" is only used at G+P, if at all, in the lunchtime sudoku.

Values video #4 «Cooperative»

Find out how G+P has consciously become a cooperation partner in the industry in recent years and why cooperation is the key to solving major challenges. Thomas Boss shows how successful cooperation is based on strategic alignment and cultural compatibility, and why mutual appreciation is crucial.

It is inspiring to see how a culture of recognition and appreciation is fostered at G+P through cooperation. You will also learn how important it is to develop a defined personality that is supported by everyone when implementing the value of "Cooperative" as a company.

Motivating ideas and tried-and-tested examples can also be found in the next values article. If you don't want to miss the new episode or have any questions or suggestions, please contact Thomas Boss directly by e-mail or telephone.

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