One year of communicating values

In January 2024, as "The New Boss", I explained in a video statement what is important to us and to me at G+P. After almost a year as the new CEO, it's time for a little look back. Our values take centre stage. Values are a key success factor, especially for SMEs like us.

One year of communicating values

One year of communicating values

A year ago, hardly anyone here would have been able to name even three specific values - that's definitely different today! I wouldn't say that everyone immediately lists all seven values, but most of them probably list four or five.

For values to be more than just words, they need to be visible and tangible. This is exactly what we have set ourselves at G+P. Our values should be integrated into everyday life and be recognisable and tangible for everyone. How have we achieved this? Large posters with our values are displayed at each of our locations. This has triggered conversations and discussions - and that's exactly what we wanted. The debate was intense, not always without friction, but always with the necessary respect and objectivity. There was also an "exhibition guide" to the values images, which explained the values in more detail. This made the whole thing tangible. And at the end of the process, we finalised our mission statement, which includes our vision and mission. We have thus created a foundation on which we can continue to build. The next chapter to come is the management principles, which are of course also based on the values.

Practised values change cooperation - noticeably!

The effort is worth it. You realise when values are not only defined, but really understood and lived. This also has an outward effect. In conversations with customers and partners this year, I have noticed more than once that our values are being recognised. They are well received and shared by many.

We are on the right track and I am convinced that our values not only strengthen
not only strengthen the way we work together, but are also visible to potential new team members. This is exactly what makes G+P an attractive employer.

For many people, living our values is more important than promises on a recruitment flyer. They make the difference for applicants when it comes to deciding in favour of us. And I look forward to making this difference even clearer - both internally and externally.

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