Urban treasure in Lenzburg

Even small, fine projects sometimes have their work cut out for them. A multitude of tricky details set our brains racing, but we are proud that the energy, construction and room acoustic solutions of the experts from Grolimund + Partner AG are now proving themselves in operation.

Urban treasure in Lenzburg

The Rudolf Steiner Special School in Lenzburg has grown by a little urban gem to meet the increased need for space. With a great deal of creative flair, a three-sided schoolroom storey has been created on the former Hitachi factory building as a new face towards the protected Catholic parish center by Luigi Snozzi opposite. In the interior, structure-filling wooden elements bring warmth to the new classrooms. We would like to thank the building owner and the dedicated architects of Schmutz & Marty from Baden for the profitable cooperation and the young photographer Jürg Umbricht for his great photos.

Städtebauliche Kostbarkeit in Lenzburg

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