Low-noise road surfaces – Complete advice from a single source

Nowadays, a road surface must not only fulfil safety aspects. It should also be as cheap and durable as possible, be able to withstand the emerging traffic load and cause as little noise as possible in densely built-up Switzerland. Low-noise road surfaces are often a good choice here. However, the enforcement authorities responsible for the roads are repeatedly confronted with the following questions: How noisy is the existing pavement? Which low-noise pavement is optimal on which road section? How effective is the newly installed low-noise pavement? Is there potential for optimisation? Grolimund und Partner provides answers to these questions.

Low-noise road surfaces – Complete advice from a single source

Comprehensive condition survey and monitoring of low-noise road surfaces

The canton of Aargau - one of the leading players in Switzerland in terms of low-noise road surfaces - knows the acoustic quality of its entire road network. Since 2008, G+P has been surveying the acoustic quality of the entire cantonal road network. In addition, G+P monitors the acoustic effect of over 100 low-noise road surfaces every year. The noise effect of a low-noise road surfaces is thus precisely recorded over its service life.

The results of the condition assessment and the monitoring measurements support the canton of Aargau in setting priorities for noise remediation projects, maintenance management or road maintenance work.


Quiet successes - impact prediction and product optimisations

Production, installation and environmental conditions determine how quiet a low-noise road surface actually is. The canton of Zurich and other cantons and cities want to know exactly: by means of a package of various measurements, G+P provides answers to the different efficiencies of a low-noise road surface and deduces where there is potential for optimisation. In addition to the CPX measurements, an impact analysis package includes sound absorption, laser texture and air permeability measurements.

The huge database, which contains all CPX measurements carried out by G+P, brings great advantages. In combination with information on road surface installation parameters, data-based prediction tools can be developed. These prediction tools support the selection of the right low-noise road surface and ensure that the desired noise reduction expectations are met.

Extending quiet successes - measures to extend the acoustic lifetime

Low-noise road surfaces lose their acoustic quality with increasing age. Dirt penetrates the surface pores necessary for noise reduction and clogs them. In addition, the initially very fine road surface becomes rougher over time due to the traffic load.

The federal government and the cantons are testing the use of cleaning measures or milling off the top layer. Both are aimed at prolonging or restoring the noise reduction. G+P uses the self-developed AVCA method (Acoustic Void Content Analysis) to look into the pavements and define the type of contamination, degree of contamination and depth of contamination. The results serve as a basis for deciding which maintenance measure is target-oriented and how it can be optimally applied.


We provide answers for the entire package of low-noise road surfaces

G+P benefits from many years of experience, sophisticated measurement methods and data-based analysis tools, which enables us to provide optimal advice to building owners. In addition, new findings are constantly emerging from research activities with our partners, such as Empa and IMP Bautest. With its extensive know-how and the combination of acoustic expertise and expert knowledge in road construction, G+P offers optimal services regarding the installation, further development of, and the optimisation of low-noise road surfaces. Our methodical strength in the field of data science and complex data analyses result in practical tools for the analysis and prediction of acoustic properties of road surfaces.

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